Wednesday, 21 September 2011


When there is a loss of dharma and there is extreme of evil, then to save the devotees and establish dharma, God incarnate. Whatever the picture we make in our mind, accordingly we see him in that form.We must think about him with full belief and  respect.
We must practice to forget every thing during his prayer and even whenever we think about him. Like various great Saints, if we always sinks in deep thinking about his various activities and remember him in every seconds of our life. Then  there is nothing in the world which can stop us to come closer to him.
Like a child whenever he weep, his mother  immediately take the child in her lap and child feels love and affection in the lap of his mother. Similarly, God loves us if we leave every thing to him and surrender all our activities to him with full faith and belief.
First of all make your heart and mind neat and clean , no evil things comes to your mind and  let go all sins  and always think about him, leave every things on his shoulder and  fully relies on him then see God will take you to closer to  him  and will always stand with you in every moment of life and in every difficult situation.

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